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Time to Fly! Normalizing Self Care & Inner Kindness.

What are you believing that separates you from where you are right now, from where you see you could be? (should be?) I talk about 3 simple steps to begin Normalizing Self Care, Self Kindness & Self Love in your life!
Normalizing Self Care, Self Kindness & Self Love.

We live in a world that treats anything that looks like being kind to yourself as:
Indulgent, Selfish, Arrogant, Narcissistic, etc

And while there are some people that ARE this, 
I’m going to say flat out - YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM!!

Let’s look at what you’ve (and the rest of us) been taught to believe about yourself by the world around us
Self Blame, Treating yourself with contempt, harsh words and shame in an effort to motivate yourself to become better, Name calling 

So how do you begin to change this?
Step one - give yourself a little bit of forgiveness or grace - can you let yourself believe that  a portion of these tendencies are not your original idea, you had to learn this?  

Step two - become willing to be aware of seeing when it shows up - this can be challenging because we don’t like to mess up or fail (see above)  but as you do this with that little bit of grace, you’ll start to witness how often and how regularly your brain is saying this to you

Step three - understanding   Your brain is trying to keep you safe, so as you first become aware of this, there can be a tendency to be frustrated, angry as you begin to witness it
But it is only doing what you’ve taught it to do, what it’s designed to do, keep you safe
Now, you can begin to be deliberate about creating a different brain -one that motivates with kindness, compassion and love

The "Next" Best Version of You!  Unreasonable Self Kindness!
This is my, 6 months, 1:1 coaching OFFER!!

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